Tuesday 3 July 2012


I love drinking - but I am beginning to realise (the examples of friends who already show signs of vasculardementia) that it is not great for the ageing brain.   Naturally, drink is not the dieter's friend either, so I need to cut it down.  I have not drunk much during meal times since I started.  That evening glass of wine or the pre-dinner drink has gone.  On the other hand, there have been days when you have points left and you could...

However, there are definite downsides with the drink issue.  I get joint pains (ligaments!) and I am fuzzy in the morning... so clearly I need to find non-alcoholic things to drink.

July 5th

Had a lovely evening sitting in the garden with J, S and A - the mini-book group.  We talked about book, art and films... I started with a white wine and soda - the white wine was so delicate it was drowned by the soda, so I drank a lot of fizzy water.   Then I had a proper glass of wine - then more fizzy water and another proper glass of wine.   Then it rained and we went inside.  I forgot to bring my glass - and, here's an interesting thing without my glass I didn't feel any great urge to drink!  I am going to make a diet tips entry - and include that.

sudden emphatic raid on the cashews... sore knee this morning.  Head not v. fuzzy due to all the water.

July 5th (2)

Drank a large 175cl glass of rose at lunch - felt distinctly sluggish afterwards, and picked far more at the food than I would have, so ate quite a few patatas bravas  - they were delicious.
At supper was honour-bound to drink wine kindly presented by departing student Rafa.  This loosened inhibitions so that I had small slice of chocolate cheesecake (wonderful!) and stawberry compote...we await the results.

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