Tuesday 3 July 2012

The first 3 weeks

Today I attended my 4th Weight Watchers meeting.  I lost 1.5 lbs, which was a relief, due to my slightly ricketty adherence to the programme over the weekend (lost count of red wine and cashews on Friday night) - pulled in my horns carefully on Saturday night (ate uncounted leftovers for lunch, and tastes of stuff from cooking) then went to a party where I only had two glasses of wine (we were only there for 2 hours) and two flat breads with roast beef.   On Sunday I ate whatever I wanted and drank a great deal.   This included a delicious charlotte russe with coffee and almond filling....

So - here I am again, this is the 4th time I have joined WW - and that doesn't include when my mother put me on a WW diet when I was 11.   I was at my heaviest ever (non-pregnant) weight 3 weeks ago and I have now lost 13.5lbs, which is excellent.  I thought the best way to deal with it was just to get on with it and not obsess about food, the strategy seems fine, but it doesn't quite work.

Firstly, I am hungry a lot (this is meant to be good), the correct response to which is to eat more "healthy & filling foods".
Secondly, I am deeply cynical of WW - I believe they have a pro-carb policy which is unhelpful to me.
Thirdly, although I enjoy it, I am deeply unhappy about eating carbs in any quantity.
4th I am deeply cynical of WW as I believe they are encouraging people to indulge their sweet tooth - and are thus in cahoots with the whole mass food processing industry, and all their works and pomps, which include High Fructose Corn Syrup, hydrogenated fats/ trans fats, palm oil and all the other ethical and health nasties which are included in manufactured foods.

I have therefore decided the following:

I can tell myself I can eat whatever I want, but I should make efforts to eat low carb foods - rather than bread etc.

I am going to continue to avoid sweet things.

I am going to note when I feel hungry and what I have eaten.  This will go in an entry called Why am I so Hungry? which will see if there are any common factors.

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