Tuesday 24 July 2012

Latest weigh in

Well, after all that anxiety I lost 1lb - not great, but it was a loss - and if I felt it was less well deserved than it should have been, so be it.   I have learned that you really can eat pork scratchings - provided you don't go over your limits.     And that I need to be a bit more stringent in my estimates of what I'm eating.  Next week's goal: lose 3lb.... and do some more exercise.  Anyway, I have now lost 17lb - which isn't great, but when I say lost, I hope it will never be returned.  Poor K had a couple of weeks of social life, a big wedding etc. and put on 5lbs.  She seemed pretty gutted.  It must be very hard for her - I wonder if I can find out about zumba classes or something - for a bit of extra fun/exercise - might persuade A to come with me.

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